Daniel Blake
Bristol Joins Slave Trade Commemorations on Amazing Grace Sunday
Water carried from the harbour will form part of a symbolic act in Bristol Cathedral later this month - acknowledging the injustice and shame of the slave trade.
European Figures Offer Support to Christian Peoples Alliance in Scotland
Following unprecedented electoral support for the Christian Peoples Alliance party from the Scottish Catholic hierarchy, leading figures in Europe are now urging the Scots to put the first Christian Democrats into the Holyrood Parliament in May's elections.
UN Rights Mission Blames Sudan for Darfur Massacre
The head of a United Nations Rights Mission has called on the international community to take action to end the slaughter of civilians in Darfur.
US Episcopal Head Calls for Restraint in Anglican Gay Dispute
Controversial Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church USA (ECUSA), Katharine Jefferts Schori, has pleaded for patience from her Church, and urged them to refrain from ordaining gay bishops or blessing same-sex unions.
Political Parties Set for War Over Climate Change
Britain's major political forces are set to go to battle over the 'green agenda', as Chancellor Gordon Brown, and Conservative leader David Cameron prepare to deliver keynote speeches on climate change.
English Churches May Become Post Offices
The Church of England may issue guidelines to its parishes recommending their churches be used as post offices.
Church Army Joins Hope 2008 Mission Initiative
Church Army has offered its support for Hope 2008, a major evangelistic initiative to encourage local churches and Christian charities to work together to create a lasting legacy of both physical and spiritual change in the lives of communities and individuals.
Premier Christian Radio to Go Digital at Easter
Premier Christian Radio has secured a digital licence and will begin broadcasting throughout London on DAB during the Easter holiday.
Evangelicals Speak Out Against SORs: 'Christianity Must Resist Privatisation'
The Evangelical Alliance, representing more a million evangelicals in the UK, has said that new equality regulations will unfairly jeopardise the expression of religion and belief in the public square, and are part of a trend to effectively force it behind closed doors.
Hope08 Launched to Thousands Across UK
Signs of change are happening across the UK, as churches, organisations and individuals make plans for Hope08. That was the message shared by Mike Pilavachi on the recent Soul Survivor Tour, which launched Hope08 in five different cities.
Langham Partnership International Director Trains 150 Pastors in Nigeria
Chris Wright, International Director of Langham Partnership International, has given guidance and tuition to more than 150 pastors in an intensive training course on expository biblical preaching.
Church Army Evangelists Praised for Work Towards Fresh Expressions
Last week's General Synod debate on fresh expressions commended the work of Church Army evangelists in playing a key role in fresh expressions.
Sexual Orientation Regulations a Cause for Serious Concern, says CARE
Christian charity CARE has joined a united call from Christians across the UK in warning that, if implemented, the Sexual Orientation Regulations published this week will confront many Christians with the grim choice of either violating their faith conscience or losing their livelihood.
London Set to Hold Day of Prayer for Burma
The 2007 Day of Prayer for Burma will be held at St Michael's Church, Chester Square, London on Saturday 10 March. The event will form part of a global prayer initiative for Burma.
Christian Leaders Call for Long-Term Solutions to Gun Crime
Christian leaders have called on politicians to avoid a "knee-jerk reaction" to the problems of gun crime.
Churches Appeal to Ruth Kelly & Mayor of London to Resurrect Estates
Leaders of London's churches have delivered a petition signed by over 6,000 people to Cabinet Minister Ruth Kelly and the Mayor of London, Ken Livingston, calling for a change in planning laws to allow Christian churches to take over redundant industrial estate units.