Daniel Blake

BBC Poll Highlights Concerns of Caste as a 'Barrier to Social Harmony'

The BBC has released a nationwide survey of 'attitudes' pertaining to national identity and the Indian marketplace.

New Global Alliance of Churches Meets for Historic First Assembly

The First Assembly of Action by Churches Together (ACT) Development, a new alliance of churches and related organisations working on development, has commenced in Nairobi, Kenya.

Swedish Church Leaders Visit Norwegian Church

A delegation from the leaders of the Swedish Church will visit Norway from 7 to 9 of February. The group includes among others the Swedish Archbishop Anders Wejryd discussing topics such as the relationship between the state and the church.

TV Star Helps in Fight Against Ethiopia's Growing HIV/AIDS Pandemic

TV and stage actor, Simon Shepherd, thanked Bristol based, international, not-for-profit organisation, MIDIRS, Wednesday 7th February for pledging support to Tearfund's 'Work a Miracle' appeal...

Christian Doctor Calls for Gay Adoption "Opt-Out" for SORs

A Christian doctor has called on the Government to give doctors an "opt out" on moral grounds so that offering references to gay couples trying to adopt can be optional.

Christian Groups to Demonstrate Against Trident

An anti-Trident demonstration has been organised in London for 24 February, with Christians also being invited to join a service prior to the commencement of the protest.

Catholic Church Leaders Endorse London Global Day of Prayer Event

Roman Catholic Church leaders have offered their support and joined the call for thousands of Christians to gather at Upton Park Stadium in London, on 27th May 2007 for the Global Day of Prayer.

President of Colombia Acknowledges Role of Church in Country's Transformation

The President of Colombia, Álvaro Uribe, has paid tribute to the positive role of the church in Colombia at the annual conference of the International Charismatic Mission church in Bogotá on Wednesday 24 January.

New Anglican Observer to the UN Carries Hope for "Transformation"

The Church of Uganda has offered its congratulations to its member Hellen Wangusa following her appointment as the new Anglican Observer to the United Nations.

Faith Lecture Series Continues at York Minster

The fourth Ebor lecture will take place in York Minster on Wednesday 7th February and is set to address the place of the Bible in the Modern World.

Queen Marks 400th Anniversary of Church of England in Amsterdam

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth paid a visit to the Netherlands Monday to mark the 400th anniversary of the Church of England in Amsterdam.

Soul Survivor Set to Launch HOPE08 Across the UK

More than 1,000 people in 350 locations have pledged to back Soul Survivor's HOPE08, a trans-denominational mission movement for 2008. Supporters have said that they will "make Hope happen where they live" - even before the initiative is presented to the nation this month on a high-profile tour.

Pope Calls for Believers to Reject Abortion & Euthanasia

The head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI, has re-emphasised his call for Catholics everywhere to reject abortion and euthanasia. The Pope said Sunday 4 February that life was something given by God, and was not to be cut short under the "guise of human compassion".

Former WHO HIV/AIDS Expert Doubts Widespread Risks

A former World Health Organisation expert has issued a stark warning that HIV/AIDS campaigners are circulating "misconceptions" about which groups are at risk from the virus.

World Council of Churches Welcomes UN Report on Climate Change

The World Council of Churches (WCC) programme on climate change and water has welcomed a report released today by the UN climate panel.

Leading London Church to Celebrate Bible Teaching in Africa

Christians across London have been invited to celebrate and promote Bible teaching in Africa on 19 March 2007 at All Souls Church, Langham Place, London.