Daniel Blake

WCC Head: Bible v MTV Will Shape Christian Ecumenical Future

The future of the ecumenical movement is at stake in a contest between the Bible and MTV, World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia said today in India. He affirmed the potential of young people to revitalise the ecumenical movement by posing challenging questions.

Blair sees 'Tremendous Opportunity' for Post-Kyoto Climate Deal

Prime Minister Tony Blair has declared that there is a "tremendous opportunity" for action to be taken to combat climate change. The statement follows a meeting between the British Premier and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

World Anglican Leaders Gather Ahead of Crunch Tanzania Summit

World leaders of the Anglican Communion have gathered in Tanzania for a crunch summit which commentators believe will most likely centre around the controversial issue of homosexuality in the Church.

Lebanon Bomb Attacks Bring Destruction to Christian Area

There have been large explosions in the mainly Christian area of Lebanon on Tuesday, as bombs packed with metal pellets exploded on the eve of the second anniversary of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri's assassination.

Churches Called to Support Justice as India Celebrates 60 Years of Independence

The General Secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), Rev Dr Samuel Kobia has joined celebrations this week of India's 60th anniversary of independence.

Fresh Legal Battle Sparks Euthanasia Debate

The debate over euthanasia and assisted-dying has come to the public eye once again after reports that a 30-year-old terminally ill woman is set to commence a legal battle to force doctors to allow her to die.

World Ecumenical Head to Address Largest Christian Gathering in Asia

World Council of Churches (WCC) General Secretary, the Rev Dr Samuel Kobia will be the main speaker at the largest Christian gathering in Asia.

Church of England and German Lutheran Church Create Historic Bonds

Two clergymen are set to become the first ever Lutheran pastors to work for the Church of England this week.

Research Finds Bishops Exerting More Political Influence in House of Lords

New research published by the public theology think tank Theos has revealed that bishops are playing an increasingly significant role in the House of Lords.

Portugal Set to Legalise Abortion Despite 'Void' Referendum

Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates has outraged pro-life supporters by saying that he will legalise abortion in the country, despite the weekend's referendum having a turnout too low to be legally binding.

Anglicans Face Schism Over Gay Debate at Upcoming Summit

The warring factions of the Anglican Communion will come face to face for a summit in Tanzania with the issue of gay clergy set to take centre stage.

Portugal Set For Crunch Referendum on Abortion

A crunch vote is set to bring faith and politics in direct conflict as a national referendum takes place in Portugal on whether to lift the country's ban on abortion.

Bulgaria Orthodox Church Appeals to European Parliament for Reinstatement

Representatives of the Alternate Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church will be visiting Strasbourg from February 12th to the 15th.

Association of Christian Counsellors Announces Two Senior Appointments

The Association of Christian Counsellors (ACC), which represents thousands of Christian counsellors and pastoral carers in the UK, has announced two new senior appointments.

Another Local Anglican Parish Separates from US Episcopal Church

The downward spiral of the Episcopal Church in the USA has continued as a local parish, St Andrew's-in-the-Pines, voted 145 to 67 (or 68 per cent) to separate from the national church and the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta.

Tony Campolo to Challenge Christians in London

Dr Tony Campolo is to speak at a specially convened JustShare event in central London on Friday 23 February.