Daniel Blake

Worldwide Anglican Leaders to Meet in Tanzania

Primates from across the worldwide Anglican Communion will gather for their scheduled meeting 14 to 19 February, 2007 at Jangwani Beach near Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.

Christian Students Recruit Top Apologist to Lead Campus Faith Debates

Christian students have invited one of the world's leading Christian apologists to conduct a two-week tour of English universities next month, in a bid to help them win the intellectual arguments for Christianity, and teach them how to evangelise in our increasingly secular society.

Faith Leaders Urge Blair to Take Further Action on Debt

Seventeen of the most prominent leaders in faith and other communities this week have signed a letter to the Prime Minister urging him to take further action on the "affront and injustice of international debt".

Zimbabwe Christian Leaders Arrested at Service

Christian relief and development agency, Tearfund, has condemned the arrest last week of six Zimbabwe church leaders by armed police who intervened in a church meeting attended by over 500 people.

Evangelical Alliance Condemns Government's 'Super-Casino' Expansion

The Evangelical Alliance has condemned the Government's announcements on the expansion of the Casino industry in the UK. Manchester has been chosen as the location of Britain's first Las Vegas-style super-casino, and has been granted a full licence for development to go ahead.

Archbishop Sentamu to Lead Oxford University Mission

The second most senior member of the Church of England, the Archbishop of York, will travel to Oxford Tuesday 30 January where he will be the main speaker at the Oxford University Mission.

New Report Shows China Failing to Protect Environment

A new report by the Chinese government has revealed that China is failing to make progress on protecting the environment.

Christians Respond to BBC2's Newsnight 'Witchcraft' Report

The Evangelical Alliance has unreservedly condemned all forms of child abuse, and said that it considers any accusation of witchcraft levelled at a child to be abusive, immoral and unbiblical, following Newsnight's "witchcraft" report.

Ecumenical Workshop Focuses World Social Forum on Ecological Debt

Participants at the World Social Forum in Nairobi, Kenya have been told Mozambique is owed an ecological debt by those who constructed and have made profits from the dams of the Zambezi River.

Evangelicals Back Ruth Kelly's Support of Catholic Exemption to Gay Adoption

Politicians should not be singled out for criticism because of their religious beliefs, the Evangelical Alliance, which represents more than 1 million evangelicals in the UK, has said as pressure mounts on Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly.

Christians Harassed in India Under New Anti-Conversion Law

Fresh harassment faced by Christians in Himachal Pradesh, India, has been reported just weeks after the state government controversially passed an anti-conversion bill on 29 December...

Church Unlikely to Gain Exemption in Gay Adoption Fight

Latest reports have suggested that the Roman Catholic Church will not gain an exemption from the new anti-discrimination laws despite the recent public debate over the ethics of gay adoptions.

MPs Table Early Day Motion on Religious Persecution in Burma

MPs have tabled an Early Day Motion calling on the United Nations to investigate violations of religious freedom in Burma. The motion, introduced by Stephen Crabb MP, coincides with the launch of a major new report by Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) on the persecution of Christians in Burma.

Christian Magistrate Fights for Beliefs in Landmark Gay Adoption Case

A Christian magistrate will become the first 'judge' in the UK to take the Lord Chancellor to court in an unprecedented employment tribunal in Sheffield on Wednesday 24th January.

World Social Forum Discusses Using Force to Protect Vulnerable Communities

The international community's responsibility to protect endangered populations when their governments fail to do so, even with the use of force, was the centre of a lively debate at a World Council of Churches (WCC) workshop at the World Social Forum in Nairobi, Kenya.

Desmond Tutu Tells World Forum: Terrorism Cannot be Defeated in Current Climate

The war on terror will "never" be won "as long as there are conditions in the world that make people desperate," like dehumanising poverty, disease and ignorance, former Archbishop Desmond Tutu told ecumenical participants at the start of the 2007 World Social Forum (WSF) in Nairobi.