Daniel Blake

Conference to Focus on Challenges towards Methodist Mission in UK

A conference has been organised by the Methodist Church, which will look to highlight the experiences and challenges of Methodists from all over the world who live and worship in the UK.

World Council of Churches Lays Down Ecumenical Priorities for the Future

"It is together that we find our place in the world," the World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary, Rev Dr Samuel Kobia has written to WCC member churches and ecumenical partners in a message about priorities for the years ahead.

Bishop Renews Evangelism Call in Message to Over 500 Churches

The Bishop of Lichfield has called on Christians to work together to bring about the end of global people trafficking. In a taped message being played today in the 585 churches in his diocese, the Rt Rev Jonathan Gledhill said that Christians can be proud of "the decisive part that Christians played in the campaign to abolish slavery...

South Korea Church Announces Year of Prayer to Celebrate Revival Centenary

The South Korean Church has proclaimed an international Year of Prayer for North Korea in 2007 to celebrate the centenary year of the Pyongyang Great Revival.

Student Legal Fight Vital to Freedom of Religion

The legal battle being undertaken by Exeter Christian Union is a landmark case, which could have repercussions to faith in society as we know it.

Christian Aid Chair Calls on Government to Tackle Poverty

The Chair of Christian Aid's Board of Trustees, the Rt Rev John Gladwin, has warmly greeted a government White Paper on world poverty, and has urged that an end be brought to the "evil" of poverty.

20,000 to Gather at Major Convocation of N.American Baptists

More than 20,000 Baptists are expected to join the thirty-six groups that comprise the North American Baptist Fellowship (NABF) in Canada and the United States as they convene for the 'Celebration of a New Baptist Covenant'.

Lord Carey Files Witness Statement in Exeter Christian Union Legal Battle

Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury has filed a witness statement on behalf of the Christian students at Exeter University this week, giving them a major boost in their High Court Human Rights case against the university, and its Student Guild.

Authors of 'Covenant for Church of England' Dismiss Criticisms

Criticisms of the recently released Covenant for the Church of England (CCE) have been dismissed by two of its authors this week. Canon Dr Chris Sugden, who leads the Anglican Mainstream movement, along with Rev Paul Perkin, vicar of St Mark's Church in Battersea, London, together issued a response on behalf of the Steering Group of the CCE.

US Air Strikes Will Not Solve Somalia Crisis, warns Christian Aid

Recent US air strikes against so-called Islamist fighters in Somalia will do little to bring peace and security to the region, Christian Aid has said.

Christian Retreat Centre in India Faces Persecution

A Christian retreat centre in Kerala State, India, has fallen victim to a "venomous" media campaign, as well as harassment from police, US-based human rights group International Christian Concern (ICC) has reported.

Human Rights Lawyer Dying in Prison amid Congolese Persecution

A prominent human rights lawyer and mother-of-four has been returned to a Congolese prison despite being gravely ill. The human rights lawyer, Marie Therese Nlandu, who was charged on 11 December with inciting insurrection and possessing illegal firearms, had briefly received medical treatment in a military hospital for a severe lung infection contracted whilst in prison, reports persecution watchdog.

Hundreds of Churches Sign Up to Pray for London

More than 200 churches across London have signed up to take part in a year-long prayer relay for the capital, and many more are set to join. Commencing at midnight 1st January 2007, London's churches will unite in praying for the nation's capital focusing on "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done".

Local Council Axes Christian Prayers at Meetings

Christian traditions in British society took another blow this week when it was announced that the tradition of saying Christian prayers before a Devon town's council meeting will be axed.

Archbishop Sentamu Offers Strengthening Visit to York Deanery

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu has visited the Deanery of Mowbray on Monday 8 January 2007. The Deanery of Mowbray is the group of parishes around Northallerton and Thirsk, including the two towns and surrounding villages. The Deanery works closely with the Thirsk and Northallerton Circuit of the Methodist Church, and with other Christian churches in the area.

Evangelical Head to Continue Fight as Sexual Orientation Regulations Upheld

The Evangelical Alliance has said it will continue to talk to the government about Christians' concerns regarding the Sexual Orientation Regulations, after a legal bid to have the Northern Ireland regulations annulled was overthrown in the House of Lords, 9 January 2007.